Hear actual AI adoption trends to the HR function, how it’s reshaping job roles, and gain insights into HR strategies that can support AI-driven strategic initiatives from the top of some of Canada’s most innovative tech companies In addition to learning how Generative AI is enhancing the HR function today, we’ll explore how our tech businesses will be using AI in the future and how HR can support these strategic initiatives for our organizations and deal with issues including addressing fears amongst employees.
- Practical Application of AI in HR: Understand how AI is enabling work in tech companies, learn where in HR there are already opportunities to enhance work through ‘no code/low code’ tools.
- Building an AI-Ready Organization: Hear about actual examples of leader and employee learning, adoption, and reinforcement methods to upskill and reskill for an AI-supported environment, including personalized learning paths and mentorship programs.
- Ethical Considerations and AI Governance: Gain insights into ethical considerations and best practices for AI governance and learn how HR can play a pivotal role in ensuring employee perspectives are included in design.