Hear about the practical application of AI within the HR function, the opportunity for AI on strategic initiatives and examples of how to support workforce and leader readiness from the top of some of Canada’s tech giants at Microsoft, EA, and SAP. In addition to learning how Generative AI is being applied to work today, we’ll explore how our tech businesses are thinking about the employee experience and getting people excited about what’s possible, while also staying ahead of challenges and changes in a fast-moving space.

  • Practical Application of AI in HR: Understand how AI is enabling work in tech companies, learn where in HR there are already opportunities to enhance work through ‘no code/low code’ tools.
  • Building an AI-Ready Organization: Hear about actual examples of leader and employee learning, adoption, and reinforcement methods to upskill and reskill for an AI-supported environment, including personalized learning paths and mentorship programs.
  • Ethical Considerations and AI Governance: Gain insights into ethical considerations and best practices for AI governance and learn how HR can play a pivotal role in ensuring employee perspectives are included in design.
